Hope Farms Gardens
Hope Farms Gardens
18750 F.M. 1484
Conroe, Texas 77303

Phone: (936)-264-1499

Come enjoy a stroll through the gardens. You can check out the hundreds of varieties of registered Daylilies as well as Citrus and Fruit Trees. For the ginger lovers you will find a large selection to choose from. Last but certainly not least you will find many Perennials that you can count on to return each year in your own garden.

After 40 years in the insurance business Barbara Lopez retired to the farm to enjoy gardening and the livestock.

Barbara said "Gardening is dirt therapy. Any problems I have just float away when I'm digging in the dirt."

She likes to dig in the dirt so much she landscaped a couple of acres in plants and has now added a small orchard.

The first year she had the Open Yard event, she invited about 15 people and they had a great time. From there it has grown to around 700 people during the month of May every year.

Barbara shares her love of gardening through the Montgomery County Master Gardeners. Several of her Master Gardener friends join her in the Open Yard event.

The farm is open the last week in April and the month of May.

The public is welcome thru on Saturday and Sundays,

Times are from 9:00am to 4:00pm both days.

Groups come on weekdays by appointment. They bring a sack lunch and a shaded area is provided for them to enjoy their meal. The farm provides refreshments.

There are hundreds of registered daylilies to choose from. We sell them bare root. "You pick them, and we'll dig them."

There are also numerous varieties of perennials as well as fruit and nut trees.

The farm is located at 18750 F.M. 1484, Conroe, Texas 77303

You can reach us at 936-264-1499.

There is plenty of parking inside the gates, just drive on in being mindful of the visitors and their wagons in the driveway.

We look forward to your visit -- Y'all Come!

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