Bastrop Gardens
Bastrop Gardens
316 Old 71
Cedar Creek,TX78612-3490

(512) 303-5672

Welcome to Bastrop Gardens

A full-service, organic garden center.

The owners and staff of Bastrop Gardens wish you a good garden season. We are currently offering landscaping services (design and installation), sprinkler systems by a licensed irrigator, annual state-required backflow prevention test by a licensed backflow inspector, drainage problem solutions, and the design of gardens, plus consultations on any garden problem you may encounter. Many of our plants are priced lower than in Bastrop or Austin -- and the sales tax is lower here in Persimmon Hills, just outside of River Crossing. We also build custom fences and decks.

Please contact Deena at 512-303-5672 or e-mail her.

We opened Bastrop Garden's gates on Valentine's Day 1998 with many exciting plants to offer to the public. We like to feature native plants and antique roses. We offer many seasonal 4" starter plants for your vegetable, herb, native or flower beds.

Visit our cool, shady 4 1/2 acres and tour our demonstrations beds and our organic farm. You'll come back, again and again, even if it's just to sit in one of our handmade chairs and enjoy nature or read a book. Let me give you an idea of how it really is out here -- it's worth the short trip, and that's no lie.

One of the first things that strikes you when you visit Bastrop Gardens Organic Nursery and Farm is the carefully crafted fit with nature. No chain link, concrete, or plywood tables, but a meandering walk through a beautiful labyrinth of plants covering a couple of acres. Artwork displayed here and there, Texas artists are highlighted in this delightful shady grove of native cedar elms that seems a world a way from the growling roar of nearby Highway 71 – even though it’s only a mile off that big highway. Butterflies and hummingbirds distract the eye as you browse for plants from the many tables that are handcrafted from local sawmills.

Then, as you top the hill, just past all the herbs, verbena and natives, your eye is drawn to a circular flower of a table full of natives or antique roses, depending on the season, flanked on the other side by a demonstration bed of roses, roses, roses – to show how your garden can be realized.

You’ll discover native plants you’ve never seen before –also flanked by a garden of natives to demonstrate how these water conserving plants can thrive in your sunny spots. And, you’ll discover the big butterfly and hummingbird garden with a centerpiece medicine wheel. And more butterflies...

All this and more make Bastrop Gardens Organic Nursery and Farm a unique visit to take you away from the work-a-day world for a breath of fragrant, fresh country air. You can walk further and pick your own vegetables and herbs grown without chemicals. Tomatoes of many varieties, Ichiban eggplant, green beans, squash, peppers , basils – whatever’s ripe that particular day in the Spring garden. In the fall garden, you'll find delights like arugula, oak leaf and buttercrunch lettuces, bok choi, Chinese cabbage, carrots, turnips and radishes. Or we pick ‘em for you, just one of many services offered by Bastrop Gardens owners, husband and wife team of Deena Spellman and Jeff Long.
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